zwe components search

this will be used inside the searchbar to find out packages with name matching the query or component name

npm search express --registry=


NAME                      | DESCRIPTION          | AUTHOR          | DATE

express                   | Fast,…               | =mikeal…        | 2022-1
express-validator         | Express middleware…  | =ctavan…        | 2023-0
path-to-regexp            | Express style path…  | =blakeembrey…   | 2022-0
express-handlebars        | A Handlebars view…   | =ericf =sahat…  | 2023-0
cors                      | Node.js CORS…        | =dougwilson…    | 2018-1
connect-redis             | Redis session store… | =tjholowaychuk… | 2023-0
helmet                    | help secure…         | =adam_baldwin…  | 2023-0
express-session           | Simple session…      | =dougwilson     | 2022-0
regexp.prototype.flags    | ES6 spec-compliant…  | =ljharb         | 2023-0
multer                    | Middleware for…      | =hacksparrow…   | 2022-0
express-fileupload        | Simple express file… | =richardgirges… | 2022-0
escape-string-regexp      | Escape RegExp…       | =sindresorhus   | 2021-0
morgan                    | HTTP request logger… | =dougwilson     | 2020-0
express-promise-router    | A lightweight…       | =alex-whitney…  | 2021-1
passport                  | Simple, unobtrusive… | =jaredhanson    | 2022-0
express-http-proxy        | http proxy…          | =villadora…     | 2021-1
express-rate-limit        | Basic IP…            | =nfriedly       | 2022-1
express-brute             | A brute-force…       | =adampflug      | 2016-1
anymatch                  | Matches strings…     | =es128 =phated… | 2022-1
safe-regex                | detect possibly…     | =davisjam       | 2019-1

with a —json tag

npm search embeddedchat --json

gets all the packages that match the query string, in this case = embeddedchat


[{"name":"embeddedchat","scope":"unscoped",**"version":"0.0.2"**,**"description":"Integrate RocketChat into any React based web app using this extensible, robust component library"**,**"date":"2023-01-14T06:43:07.627Z"**,"links":{"npm":"[<"},"publisher":{"username":"sidmohanty11","email":"[email protected]"},"maintainers":[{"username":"sidmohanty11","email":"[email protected]>](<,%22publisher%22:%7B%22username%22:%22sidmohanty11%22,%22email%22:%[email protected]%22%7D,%22maintainers%22:%5B%7B%22username%22:%22sidmohanty11%22,%22email%22:%[email protected]>)"}]}

npm view - we can extend this to zwe!

npm view component-name --json // will give us the entire package.json of the file (this also contains the size of the library)

this will be super useful to create a specific App page with all the necessary details